AmigaOS3.5 (300/967)

Date:9 May 2000 at 16:14:00
Subject:Re: 3.5 Inch IDE drive install

Colin, That is as clear and concise an explanation as I could have ever
wished for.

Thanks for taking the time to write it up. Thats what should have been in
the FAQ ;P
No - seriously, its very good. Thanks

-----Original Message-----
From: Colin Wenzel []
Sent: 09 May 2000 08:03
To: Darren.Stewart
Subject: [amigaOS3_5] Re: 3.5 Inch IDE drive install

On 09-May-00, wrote:
> Does anyone have a straight foward explanation on the addition or
> install of 3.5 IDE drives of unlimited size ?
> Current drives are running upto 40.9 gig, and may rise further.
> Assuming that I were to use the internal interface on a 1200 after
> installing 3.5 - what steps would be recommended. I am aware that the
> boot partition needs to be below the 8 gig barrier. Does someone have
> a straight foward install procedure for large disks ?

Here is the proceedure, step by step......................

Connect up the drive (as master) & your cd drive (as slave)
& boot on a standard *wb3.1* "Install" disk.

1) Run WB3.1 HDToolbox & select "Change Drive Type".

2) Select "Define New" & then "Read Config"
Don't worry about the numbers (they will be all wrong).
Select "OK" & "OK".

3) Now go into "Partition Drive"

4) If it sets up 2 partitions by default, at this time use the
left most partition only...
Just leave the other one where it is.......

Drag the slider (triangle) all the way back to the left.
Then bring it up slowly in small steps until it reads 500Mb
(or whatever size your Boot partition is to be)

*DO NOT GO UP PAST 4gig*, otherwise the numbers will go crazy
& you have exceeded the 32 bit boundary...

5) Once you have selected the boot partition size
at the first part of the drive, give it a name, like: WB3

6) Click on "Advanced Options", tick "Bootable".

7) Select "Change" & tick "FastFileSystem" and
"International Mode" and *NOT* "Directory Cache".

8) Change the Blocksize to 1024, and the MaxTransfer
to: 0x1fe00 that's zero-F-1-F-E-zero-zero
Click on OK.

9) Go into "Add/Update" & select "update filesystem"
L:FastFileSystem should appear.... Click OK, OK.

10) Click OK, again, then Click "SAVE Changes to drive".

11) Exit the program, it will want to reboot.....

12) When you boot back up on the floppy, the WB3 icon should
appear.. Format it from WB with FFS & INTL mode only...

13) Install 3.1 from the floppies.......
When finished, remove the disk & reboot.
You will then boot up on the HD..... !!!

Now, before you ask, the rest of the HD (or past the 4gig mark)
can only be partitioned *AFTER* you have wb3.5 installed.

You will have to get the CD rom working first.

After you have installed WB3.5 & BoingBag1.
*Then & only then,* can you partition the rest of the drive....

Do steps 3 onwards again....

or you will invalidate it.....
Just add more partitions in the high area.

Have fun.....

Colin Wenzel. Australia.

ICQ: 17608330
AMIGA: 4000T, 68060/50, 150Mb RAM,
OS 3.5, EGS Spectrum.

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